1. The purpose of the group is to become familiar with issues in bioethics and health policy and conversant in arguments from all sides, to gain a socio-political perspective on medicine, and to provide an avenue to explore our interests.
2. Meetings will be on Tuesdays in the Learning Studio over lunch (moved from the First Floor Lounge for more space).
3. Passed around the email list.
4. Gathered topics of interest and discussion facilitators.
Topics: organ markets, genetic engineering, stem cell research, human research, Unit 731, ethics of rationing, health reform bill, usage of expensive treatments/tests, euthanasia
Next week..
**September 14, 2010 - Hospice and end-of-life care – Facilitator: Justin Barr
5. Discussed opportunities for political engagement (Mike Hrdy).
6. Discussed health policy and conservative perspectives (Katarina Nguyen).
-Ground rules of discussion: respect person who is speaking; listen closely to discern perspectives; facilitator should be ideologically neutral but critically ruthless; goal is to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of arguments.
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